
Thank you for your interest in doing business with Texas A&M University! Reliable, competitive suppliers are extremely valuable to Texas A&M, so we welcome and encourage your participation in our purchasing process.

The first step in the process is to register your company as a Bidder on Texas A&M's AggieBuy website. In addition, we recommend that you also register your company on the State of Texas Certified Master Bidders List (CMBL). Complete information about AggieBuy and the CMBL may be found in the Register to be a Bidder below.

After you have registered your company we recommend that you contact the Buyer or Buyers on our staff who specialize in the products or services your company offers.

Additional information about the Department of Procurement Services, including our address and location, may be found on the About Us page.

  1. Please make appointments in advance when you wish to see a Buyer or other member of our staff. (See our hours of operation.)
  2. Please conduct your business openly and frankly; as a state institution, our records are a matter of public record.
  3. We expect you to honor all pricing, delivery, and service agreements as quoted. Please provide realistic delivery dates!
  4. We adhere strictly to the Code of Ethics promulgated by the National Association of Educational Procurement.

AggieBuy allows Texas A&M University to issue and receive quotes, proposals, and bids online, and allows Vendors to self-register as bidders. There is no cost to Vendors for participating in the bid process, and Texas A&M does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, gender, disability or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Registering on AggieBuy does not a guarantee the receipt of any bid or the award of any purchase order.

Vendors already registered through the State of Texas Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) should still register in AggieBuy in order to (1) automatically receive email notifications from Texas A&M about bid opportunities related to the commodity codes selected during the registration process, (2) respond online to Bid Invitations and Requests for Proposal, and (3) be issued Purchase Orders. Vendors to whom Purchase Orders are issued will receive an email notification instructing them to login to the AggieBuy Vendor Portal, view the PO and acknowledge receipt, and print the PO if they wish.

Vendors already registered on the CMBL are already established as a Vendor of record in the AggieBuy data. However, if you haven't previously accessed AggieBuy, please contact Texas A&M's Vendor Administrator via email,, to receive your login and password credentials.

Vendors not yet registered on the CMBL are asked to please register directly in AggieBuy through the online Vendor portal and select the Create Account link. If you receive a message while registering that your Federal Tax ID already exists in AggieBuy please contact Texas A&M's Vendor Administrator via email at to receive your login and password credentials. If for any reason you cannot complete the registration process once begun, AggieBuy allows you to save what you have entered and return at a later date and complete the process by accessing the AggieBuy login screen and selecting the Continue With Registration link.

If you are a State of Texas Certified Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Vendor, please send a copy of your certificate to the email address below. A PDF file is preferred, but if you are unable to provide a PDF, you may fax your certificate to (979) 845-3800.

If you have any questions or need assistance registering, please contact the Department of Procurement Services at,or call (979) 845-4570.